At the beginning of 2025, amidst an atmosphere of optimism for a year full of happiness and prosperity, a profound debate emerges around the concept of “cancer of relationships.” This term, introduced by Dr. Khalil Zioud, describes the silent accumulations that ultimately destroy human relationships, particularly marital ones, revealing deep and impactful dimensions in our daily lives.
The roots of this phenomenon often trace back to childhood. Family conflicts, the loss of a parent, or even wars and economic crises leave unconscious marks on the mind, becoming time bombs. When a person enters into a marital relationship, these accumulations emerge when faced with the first real challenges, such as the arrival of a child or the trials of daily life.
Behind the closed doors of the marital home, partners begin to discover each other’s true selves. Minor issues that seemed insignificant during the engagement period turn into complex crises. Yet, traditional advice such as “endure” or “everything can be solved with patience” often worsens the situation. Tolerating mistakes without truly addressing them deepens the problem instead of solving it.
Pregnancy, a particularly sensitive time for women, presents an additional challenge in marital relationships. Many men limit their responsibilities to the financial aspect, neglecting the emotional role and participation in daily tasks. This attitude increases the woman’s sense of neglect and frustration, adding new layers to the accumulations that may eventually explode.
Adapting to problems may seem like an easy solution, but it is not always the best option. A healthy relationship requires mutual effort to build “affection and compassion.” If only one partner is continuously adapting, it creates a gap that is hard to bridge. A marital relationship is not just about “keeping the ship afloat,” but about building a balanced dynamic and mutual support.
Education also plays a central role in shaping personality and managing relationships. A child raised in an environment lacking love or filled with conflict grows up with psychological scars that hinder their ability to build healthy relationships. Therefore, parents must provide support and trust, equipping their children with the tools to face future challenges.
The solution starts with recognizing the problem and then seeking solutions tailored to each case. Dr. Zioud emphasizes the importance of consulting specialists rather than relying on advice from friends or family, which may often be inadequate.
The year 2025 brings new opportunities to improve our lives, provided we face our challenges with awareness and wisdom. Strong relationships are not built solely on love but also on the ability to overcome differences and make peace with ourselves and others.