Call for a Strong Preventive Policy to Stop the Spread of Cancer in Morocco

Alalam24, The Moroccan Network for the Defense of the Right to Health and Life has sounded the alarm on the worrying situation of the spread of cancer in Morocco. The country is among the nations with the highest incidence of the disease in the Middle East and North Africa region.

In its report published on the occasion of World Cancer Day, the network warns against the disturbing indicators of the epidemic. Indeed, the cancer mortality rate in Morocco remains very high, highlighting the importance of focusing on preventive measures as the main way to contain this scourge that kills thousands of Moroccans every year.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Morocco with a rate of 13.4%, just behind cardiovascular diseases. The country records about 50,000 new cases of cancer each year, with an incidence rate of 137.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The report emphasizes that awareness and prevention play a crucial role in the fight against this disease. It calls for intensifying efforts to provide effective awareness programs and ensure access to early medical examinations to allow for efficient diagnosis and treatment.


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