Morocco Condemns Israeli Actions in Gaza and Calls for Urgent International Intervention

Alalam24, In a joint press conference with the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Péter Szijjártó, Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita expressed Morocco’s condemnation of Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip. This includes the recent bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, a move deemed contrary to international law and humanitarian principles

Bourita emphasized the significant civilian casualties resulting from Israel’s actions, a concern echoed by King Mohammed VI in his recent address to the participants of the joint Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh. The Minister underscored Morocco’s clear condemnation of the continued killing of children and women in Gaza by Israeli forces, emphasizing the need for an immediate and tangible de-escalation to achieve a permanent ceasefire, ensuring the protection of civilians

Referring to King Mohammed VI’s call for an urgent reduction of tensions, Bourita stated that a lasting and comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires a political horizon that supports the two-state solution. He asserted that without such a political framework, the region would remain trapped in crisis management, fostering an atmosphere of tension, violence, and counter-violence

Bourita called on the international community and influential nations to move beyond crisis management and transition to rebuilding trust. He urged serious negotiations aimed at achieving a just and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian issue based on international legitimacy and the two-state solution

In conclusion, Bourita emphasized that this stage requires resoluteness and responsibility from all parties to halt Israeli attacks on the Palestinian people. He called for the prevalence of logic and wisdom to establish a just and permanent peace in the region, ensuring the security and stability of all its people



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