Morocco and Spain Move Towards Maritime Boundary Delimitation.. A Historic Agreement to Protect the Riches of Mount Tropic

In a historic step aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between Morocco and Spain, unofficial sources have leaked information about an imminent agreement between the two countries concerning the delimitation of maritime boundaries. This agreement seeks to regulate the exploitation of marine resources and protect the natural wealth of the region, with a particular focus on Mount Tropic, considered one of the richest mineral zones in the world.

These leaks come after years of arduous negotiations between Rabat and Madrid, which have finally resulted in a formula ensuring the rights of both countries to fair and sustainable exploitation of marine resources. The discussions centered on defining maritime boundary points, contributing to reducing the risk of future conflicts and enhancing economic and environmental cooperation between the two sides.

Mount Tropic, located in deep waters off Morocco’s southern coast, holds significant reserves of valuable minerals such as tellurium and cobalt. According to studies, this mountain contains about 10% of the world’s tellurium reserves, a key component in the production of solar panels and electronic chips. Cobalt extracted from this area is also a crucial material for manufacturing electric vehicles and advanced weaponry, which gives this region major strategic importance amid the global shift towards clean industries.

Morocco’s efforts to delineate its maritime borders date back to January 2020, when the Moroccan Parliament unanimously passed a law defining the kingdom’s maritime zones, thereby granting Rabat legal sovereignty over the coasts stretching from Saïdia in the northeast to Lagouira in the south. However, this law raised concerns in Spain, particularly due to what Madrid considered an overreach into the maritime boundaries of the Canary Islands, as well as debates surrounding the waters off the coast of Western Sahara.

The controversy over Mount Tropic also involves other parties, such as Portugal, which claims exclusive economic zones around the Madeira Islands, adding further complexity to the situation. Nevertheless, it seems that the agreement between Rabat and Madrid is nearing completion, as confirmed by sources from both sides, despite the lack of an official announcement so far.

This agreement is expected to open new avenues of cooperation between the two countries, in both the fishing industry and mineral exploration, while also strengthening Morocco’s position in controlling its natural resources at a time when major global companies are seeking to secure new sources of rare minerals used in advanced technologies.

The agreement also reflects the two countries’ desire to overcome historical differences and focus on mutual interests, contributing to sustainable development in the region. It further positions Morocco as a key player in the global market for rare minerals, boosting its bargaining power with major economic partners such as China and Europe.

As a result, this agreement represents a strategic step on multiple levels. In addition to enhancing Morocco’s national sovereignty over its natural resources, it contributes to accelerating economic development and increasing the country’s ability to attract new investments in future industrial sectors, ultimately leading to significant economic benefits for the kingdom.

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