The Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights Calls on Parties Spreading Espionage Accusations to Officially Apologize to Morocco

Alalam24,In light of the results of the report of the Spanish Counter-Espionage Agency which cleared Morocco of the accusations of espionage and interference in its internal affairs, the Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights urges the parties that have spread these accusations to present official apologies to Morocco.

The full statement of the Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights reads as follows:

The National Bureau of the Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights welcomed with great satisfaction the results of the report of the Spanish Counter-Espionage Agency under the Spanish Prime Minister’s Office, which exonerated Morocco of any accusations of espionage and interference in Spanish internal affairs. The results and conclusions of the report refute all suspicions and accusations leveled against Morocco concerning the alleged espionage activities that targeted Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and senior Spanish government officials.

It is important to recall that Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International, the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) had repeatedly called on Morocco to investigate the use of the Pegasus software.

However, all investigations conducted have highlighted the absence of tangible evidence and clues on Morocco’s use of Pegasus, a point that the Kingdom has repeatedly emphasized in the face of the accusations leveled against it.

The Moroccan Forum for Democracy and Human Rights reaffirms its rejection of the politicization of human rights and strongly condemns any fragmented erroneous approach, duplicity and exploitation of these issues to extort countries and serve the political agendas of certain parties in Europe and other regional axes hostile to the historical rights of our country and its achievements at the national, African and international levels. It also calls for the cessation of all external interference.

In conclusion, in light of the results of the report of the Spanish Counter-Espionage Agency, all parties are required to present official apologies to the Kingdom of Morocco for the defamation, manipulation of information and the campaign of targeting and flagrant damage to the international reputation of our country.

By the National Office :

President: Jawad Khenni


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